Monday, July 18, 2011

Eat well, Be well - Moderation & Eating Smart‏

So in the last blog I put the kibosh, DO NOT sign over the ever present fad of dieting. I still stand by that decree. You will not get the results that work long term and that you can maintain entertaining such drastic routes in any fashion or form.

OK - so you're asking - "Let me get this straight. I should not diet, and can eat all the calorie laden goodies my heart desires & somehow the superfluous fat & excesses will fall away from my body?

What's the catch?"

Sounds too good to be true, right? Well you're right. We only have to observe our surroundings to understand that whatever you sow you reap, good or bad. It's just one of the laws of nature - at least in this universe we live in. What I am saying is that extremes do not work.

If you starve yourself & go around miserable & dreaming of all the food you are not eating, you will buckle at some point, binge eat & pack on back the pounds & then some. Those that don't rebound, end up in a state of unhealthy obsessions like anorexia which wastes the body to skeletal form & destroys your organs or bulimia which leads to a whole host of psychological & health disorders.

If you overindulge & ingest every and anything without discrimination of the value or harm to your body & its health, you will suffer the consequences inherent in such behavior. Your body has physical boundaries. Yes we are made up of atoms that in theory have vast spaces between ions, but because of the repellant forces of these ions, we are bound by physical laws which limits us to some degrees. If you put in more than your body can use - it is stored. If you put in more than your body can waste - it overburdens & destroys your organs. Our bodies can only store so much before the overload damages it.

So what am I getting at? Simple. Eat in moderation. Eat smart. Eat without going to either extremes. Eat and enjoy your food without depravation or oversaturation. Eat as you work, play, sleep, or function as a balanced reasonable person who wishes to live reasonably. Eat well and live well.

Eat in Moderation. What do I mean by eating in moderation?

You're having dinner. If you are use to having 3 large portions of meat. Take out one. Five cups of rice. Take out a cup or two or three. Potatoes. Three large potatoes. Take out one or two. If reducing your portions to a reasonable amount the body needs gives you hunger pangs in the beginning because your stomach was overstretched to begin with, replace the portions you moderated your plate to with some added greens or veggies. Remember I discussed that your body only needs "so much" to maintain itself before it starts packing the rest as storage reserve? Well, piling your plate with food does not make sense. Put the food you like on your plate and at least have it make nutritional sense, just moderate. Place enough that is reasonable to your size and height. No need to get out the calorie counters & measuring sticks. Most everyone can tell what is reasonable & what is too much. Not all of us are rocket scientists, but most have a reasoning intellect. If your portions are too large. Have some self control & reduce your portions.

Eat Smart. Which only means be reasonable.

Use logic. Yes, even when you eat. You do not live indiscriminately. You don't drive wherever on the road when you feel like. Consequences are involved with reckless behavior & you don't have to think too hard about it. You just apply it in the reasonable course of how you think & operate. Same with food. You had a nice breakfast, almost time for lunch but you're snacking. You had a candy bar, and there are more sweets, candies, etc you can choose to imbibe....
Why not grab some nuts, not feeling salty, have some cherries (mmm sweet), whatever gets your taste buds engaged, just be reasonable.  Have a snack or be satisfied with the one you just had. It lit up your sweet tooth no need to gorge away. You're not hungry - you know that. Think about the good lunch coming up. Yes, we would all like to go through the red light because waiting can be a drag or use our cars to shove the pedestrian aside to make that turn while they slowly lumber across the cross walk. The thing is, we know the outcome would not be good for them or you. Take control of your eating habits.

If you want a good outcome, be reasonable and eat reasonably.

                                                          Think well, Live well, Eat well, Be well.

 To be continued...

Disclaimer - this blog is only an opinion blog and is not to be used in place of the advise of a health professional. As with all nutritional and exercise regiments, before beginning, please consult your physician.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Dieting Does Not Work!

Dieting does not work! Dieting does not work because it is not sustainable. Anyone can starve themselves and lose a few pounds over the course of a week to few weeks. You may attain the goal of fitting into that new bikini or your favorite pair of jeans from long ago, BUT as soon as your will power gives out, there goes the new svelte figure and the resolution that was starved into temporary submission. 

Face it - the more you deny yourself something, the more you will crave it. That's just how the brain works. In this media saturated age, you are constantly bombarded with advertisements tempting you at every turn with delights that stimulate the taste buds, which only makes the task set before you almost impossible to adhere to. Unfortunately it will only be a matter of time before you give in and when you do, you are more likely than not to over consume. Basically not only do you gain back the weight you lost, most people end up weighing more than they did before the start of their diet.  

You love to eat because lets face it, FOOD TASTES GOOD! What is one to do then? Starve and live in misery? Well, that's what dieting is. So cut it out. Dieting is as unnatural as the concept of starvation is to the sustainability of life. It is not natural and it does not work.

Let me break it down for you...

1. If you diet - you will desire the thing you deprive yourself of even more and once you eventually break, give up and give in, you will gorge, overdose and overindulge that very thing.

2. When you overindulge you saturate the body with more than it needs to carry out its basic functions, including emergency storage.

3. When the body has more than it needs, it stores it as fat which leads to a whole host of problems ranging from medical to self esteem issues. Basically you become overweight & that is not good for your body, therefore not good for you. I will get into all the implications of this state of the body another day.

So again I ask, what is one to do in light of this dilemma? Simple. Do what the body was designed for. Eat and live. Yes, it is that simple. There are no tricks to handling this superb organism called the human body that is new under the sun. You just need to know how to treat it with respect and equanimity. Don't abuse your body!

I designed this blog to instruct you in simple everyday means to achieve the goal of being free to eat and live as we were meant to, without the unnatural state of dieting which frankly is inhumane, and yet maintain a fit and trim physique.

So are you ready to be fit and trim and on the way to a healthier, less miserable you? Then start with this...

Step 1 - STOP DIETING. Cease and desist (unless you were placed on a supervised plan by your physician or nutritionist for health purposes). 

Bon appetit!

 To be continued...

Disclaimer - this blog is only an opinion blog and is not to be used in place of the advise of a health professional. As with all nutritional and exercise regiments, before beginning, please consult your physician.